Game Information

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In the jungle everything is as usual. The old lion is a good and wise king, and the animals follow his advice. Only Robin the King's little son doesn't always listen. Robin wants to find the treasure of the Black Panther but his father has forbidden him to look for it. Keno the son of the Black Panther wants to find the treasure as well. Robin and Keno start out as enemies but end up as best friends.

- TheGamesDB

ReleasedDec 31, 2006
DeveloperPhoenix Games
PublisherPhoenix Games

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Box Description

In the jungle everything is as usual. The old lion is a good
and wise king, and the animals follow his advise.
Only Robin the King's little son doesn't always listen.Robin wants to
find the treasure of the Black Panther but his father
has forbidden him to look forit' Keno the son
of the Black Panther wants to find the treasure
as well. Robin and Keno start out as enemies
but end up as best friends.
I Player
and •PlayStation' are registered trademarks of Scny Computer Entertainmcnt Intz All Nights Reserved
Made in Austria. Dalmatians 3 0 2003 Phoenix Games Ltd.
Library prcarams 0 1997-20t3 SON,' Computer Entertainment Int exclusivel',' licensed to Scn',' Computgr Enleffainment
FOR FOME LISE Unauthorised copying, adaglaticn. lendinp, distributen. extratticn. n-sale. arcade use, charging
for use broadcast, public pelfor:ngncæ ard internet, or an;' Ieleccmrrtll'icalions transmission, access or use 01 [his product
or Irademavk or copyright work th*t forms part Of [his product are gtdhib:ted. Published b'/ Phoenix Games Ltd. Developed
b; The Code Monkeys Ltd
8 717249 593553
This software is only compatible with the PlayStation@2 computer entertainment system displaying the logo

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